
Tribulationem – Concerto Soave


[Zig-Zag Territoires]

Carlo Gesualdo (1566-1613), Ascanio Maione (1570-1627)

Mara Galassi, harp 
Jean-Marc Aymes, harpsichord, organ & direction


This programme does full justice to the modernity of Carlo Gesualdo, Prince of Venosa (1561-1613), covering both his sacred music and his madrigals. It reproduces all the subtlety and chromaticism of his music, strictly respecting the temperament used in the composer’s time.

An added attraction of this disc is that it alternates the Prince’s works with the music of his contemporary Ascanio Maione, scored for harp, harpsichord and organ.

A timely commemoration of the 400th anniversary of the death of Carlo Gesualdo, this recording showcases the outstanding artistry of the ensemble Concerto Soave and its director Jean-Marc Aymes.

« Et c'est tout l'art du Concerto Soave de rendre la tension d'une musique qui nous parle à la fois d'amour et de désir funèbre. Une plongée dans un univers fascinant, un événement. » Roger Tellart, Classica

*Rewards : Choc de Classica, 4 de Diapason, Joker de Crescendo

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