Outreach Projects

Sound walks

In 2023/2024, Concerto Soave continued its partnership with the Joliette République social action center and the Maison pour tous du Panier with the "Balade sonore" project. This project, conceived as an itinerary, brought together a dozen participants for a series of musical workshops and outings to emblematic sites.

The route was documented by photographer Jean-Marie Plume and will be presented in the form of a public exhibition at the Archives Départementales des Bouches-du-Rhône.

The project was supported by the Conseil départemental's Ensemble en Provence program and the Drac Paca's Culture et lien social program, as well as by Marseille city council and the Sud region.

Guest artists : Marine Sablonnière, Freddy Eischelberger, Marine Rodallec, Jean-Marc Aymes, Remy Bres-Feuillant.

Venues and events : Bal du Conservatoire de musique de Marseille; Quatuor Modigliani at Palais du Pharo; Voyages en Italie recital at Magalone, Cité de la Musique; Wagner and Malher by Orchestre Philharmonique de Marseille de Opéra de Marseille.

Enchanted Sonata

Concerto Soave is currently developing a game entitled “The Enchanted Sonata”, which allows participants to discover the world of Baroque music in a fun way. The game takes the form of a quest, where participants dive into Venice in the 18th century and discover the musical universe of the time. This project was carried out as part of the DNMADe Graphics, Editing, Narration training in partnership with Tabasco Vidéo and Bruicollage.

Screenplay: Nicolas Dupond 

Developer: Nicolas Brignol 

Sound Designer: Pierre Pulisciano

Professors : Arnaud Vonthron, Laurence Cleyet-Merle

Students : Bertholle Louise, Chabert Alanis, Chevremont Marius, Kerboriou Manon, Langlumé Robin, Louis Eglantine, Marra Cléa, Michon Océane, Mittag Benjamin, Ramognino Lucie, Soria Anelise

The musicians : Anaïs Ramage, Marine Rodallec, Sylvie Moquet, Jean-Marc Aymes

The voices : Ali, Elias, Lily-Meï, Vincent, Alessandra, Patrice

baroque tale

With passion and creativity, we explored the Baroque universe, wrote an inspiring tale and created a unique musical composition in collaboration with La Maison Pour Tous du Panier. 

This is the story of a bored child who, thanks to music, finds meaning in his life...

Thanks to the exceptional collaboration of Malika, Aïcha, Josette, Nacira, Harbia, Heike, Patricia, Zohra, as well as Patrick Touja, Patrice Poulain and the talented violist Flore Seube, we have given life to an unforgettable artistic experience.

François Guery

François Guery

François Guery

Concerto Soave Creations

Concerto Soave projects are designed each year around the creation of a new opera, and are part of the students course programme. These actions bring together several actors (artists, professionals, partners, teachers, etc.) and are the subject of a public presentation.

- Projet 2020 : Around Admeto Re di Tessaglia d'Haendel

- Projet 2019 : Around de Les Fêtes Vénitiennes d'André Campra

- Projet 2018 : Around de La Liberazione di Ruggiero dall’Isola di Alcina

- Projet 2017 : Around du programme In van Sospiro - With the students of the BTS Design Graphique du Lycée Saint Exupéry of Marseille

- Projet 2016 : Around the Oristeo - OPERA IN PROGRESS - With the students of the Lycée Diderot and the Arts appliqués class

François Guery

François Guery

François Guery

Baroque music in the hospital

With the Marseille Hospitals (AP-HM)
It is with enthusiasm and determination that we have developed a partnership with the AP-HM which allows us each year to give concerts at the Timone Hospital, the Conception Hospital or the North Hospital. Open to everyone, or reserved for certain hospitalized people and staff, these are caring, privileged and shared musical moments.

And also

Cultures du cœur: Our festival Mars en Baroque gives away 4 invitations per concert available to audiences who are excluded from artistic programming for economic, social or cultural reasons.

Music and Gastronomy

During the festival Mars en Baroque, Concerto Soave offers a highlight around banquets prepared by great chefs, scripted and set to music in an invested place. Around the theme "music and gastronomy" various actions with the public are involved.

The gourmet route is also an opportunity to offer discovery workshops or artistic and / or culinary practice.

A moment that takes the form of workshops, participatory games, a concert and the sharing of a snack. Children not only experience a concert “for grown-ups” but also discover the backdrop of a musical event.

A project around the synesthetic link between taste and music.

Digital Baroque

Innovative / digital projects

The aim of these projects is to allow an approach to Baroque aesthetics in an interactive and lively form, connected to its time, thanks to digital tools.

A project of discovery and musical practice for non-musicians using digital tools. Participants will create their own musical composition and together form a virtual orchestra to give a concert in real time.


Any time a new opera is created, Concerto Soave develop and lead projects with several schools: DNMADe Graphic, Edition, Narration and interactivity, ÉSDM of Lycée Denis Diderot in Marseille,  middle school and high school. We ask students to design a graphic project and the page layout of an augmented opera booklet presenting the work. Composed of different workshops, this course allows students to discover a baroque musical repertoire, to meet artists and numerous collaborators. At the same time, college students produce interactive content (musical composition, videos and recordings triggered by QR codes). At the end of the path, the students present their projects in front of a jury made up of professionals. We offer the winner the chance to present their work to the public, by printing their proposed booklet and distributing it to spectators on the evening of the opera opening.

François Guery

François Guery

François Guery

François Guery

Open Rehearsals - l'Atelier du Musicien

Concerto Soave regularly opens its rehearsals to the public, in particular to students, to make baroque music accessible to all. Children and young people are invited to come and attend a rehearsal time for a concert scheduled as part of the Mars en Baroque season or festival. Privileged moments of meeting and sharing, these open rehearsals are an opportunity to discover the recipes and secrets of the making of baroque music.

Thus, plunged in the musician's atelier, the students discover ancient instruments, observe the demanding work of musicians, interact with them and assist in the "creation" of a musical program. In order to get the students ready for these sessions we provide a pedagogical kit beforehand. Each year, around 700 children from around 20 schools are involved in this action.

François Guery

François Guery

François Guéry

Students and professionals - join the dots

Concerto Soave suggests to join the dots between established artists and students : the Conservatoire National à rayonnement régional (CNRR) of Marseille, the Conservatoire à rayonnement régional (CRR) in Paris, the Conservatoires Nationaux Supérieurs de Musique et Danse (CNSMD) of Lyon and Paris, the Institut d'Enseignement Supérieur de la Musique Europe et Méditerranée (IESM) and the Classes à Horaires Aménagés Musique (CHAM).

These exchanges take different forms: student concerts, creation of participatory concerts, masterclasses.

Concerto Soave has been organizing masterclasses of excellence since 2019 with talented artists, such as Sandrine Piau, Maria Cristina Kiehr, Stéphanie D'Oustrac, and many more to come.

Concerto Soave regularly recruits young musicians who have graduated from music schools, and thus gives them the opportunity to perform in different musical programs.